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Security and Privacy Considerations of Metadata

Radhika Ravindranath
New Jersey, USA
(Email: radhika.ravindranat@gmail.com)


Metadata or meta information, also known as “data that provides informationaboutotherdata”
[1] provides information to help users and programs to classify, analyze, label, categorizeandsearchthrough data assets. While metadata is invaluable in processing information and maintainingcomplianceand regulatory standards, it comes with its own set of security and privacy challenges. Metadatacanbeatreasure trove of personal information. This whitepaper elucidates the nature of metadata, typesandrisks. Metadata can pose several risks to an organization, including reputational damage, regulatoryfinesand financial losses. This paper aims to delve into key security and privacy risks associatedwiththecollection, processing and storage of metadata. Ways to mitigate these risks to protect theorganizationand its users are discussed. In conclusion, metadata is essential to the way organizations andplatformsstore, organize and maintain data. The proper management of metadata can enable organizationstonotonly reduce the security and privacy risks associated with metadata, but to enhance their overall securityand privacy posture

Keywords – metadata, security, privacy, data governance, data protection, metadata management

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