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IJCT Plagiarism Policy

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IJCT is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity. This policy outlines our approach to preventing and addressing plagiarism in all submitted manuscripts.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s ideas, work, or words without proper acknowledgment. It is considered a serious form of academic misconduct with potentially severe consequences, including:

  • Loss of professional reputation
  • Academic penalties, including failing grades
  • Potential legal consequences

Plagiarism Detection

All manuscripts submitted to IJCT undergo rigorous plagiarism checking using industry-standard software such as Turnitin and PlagScan. This ensures the originality and integrity of all published work.

Types of Plagiarism

  1. Direct Plagiarism: Word-for-word copying without attribution or quotation marks.
  2. Accidental Plagiarism: Improper citation, misquotation, or unintentional paraphrasing without attribution.
  3. Self Plagiarism: Reusing one’s own previous work without permission or proper citation.
  4. Mosaic Plagiarism: Borrowing phrases or structure from a source without quotation marks or proper paraphrasing.

Examples of Plagiarism

  • Quoting verbatim without acknowledgment
  • Paraphrasing without crediting the original source
  • Using ideas from others without reference
  • Creating a ‘pastiche’ of online sources without proper citation
  • Submitting commissioned work as one’s own

IJCT’s Plagiarism Policy and Actions

  1. All suspected cases of plagiarism will be thoroughly investigated.
  2. Authors will be given an opportunity to explain within two weeks of notification.
  3. A Fact Finding Committee (FFC) may be constituted to review serious cases.
  4. Confirmed cases of plagiarism will result in the manuscript’s removal from all platforms.
  5. The author’s institution will be notified for further disciplinary action.
  6. Plagiarized manuscripts will be clearly labeled as such on our website.
  7. Authors may be publicly listed on the IJCT website.
  8. Additional actions may be taken as recommended by the FFC or Editorial Board.

Preventing Plagiarism

Authors are strongly encouraged to:

  • Properly cite all sources used in their work
  • Use quotation marks for direct quotes
  • Paraphrase carefully, ensuring the original meaning is maintained
  • Keep detailed notes of all sources consulted
  • Use plagiarism detection software before submission

Our Commitment

IJCT is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity. We believe in fostering an environment of original thought and proper attribution, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in computer techniques and related fields.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions about our plagiarism policy or wish to report a suspected case of plagiarism, please contact our editorial team.

Contact Editorial Team

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