IJCT Indexing and Academic Databases
The International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) is proud to be indexed in the following prestigious academic databases and directories:
Major Indexing Services
- Google Scholar
- Scopus
- Web of Science
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- Crossref
- ProQuest
Specialized Databases
- ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- Academia Database
- Directory of Research Journals Indexing
- Researchbib
- Thomson Reuters ResearcherID
- Directory of Science
- Mendeley
- Open Academic Journal Index
Citation Databases
- Citefactor Database
- Index Copernicus
- WorldCat Digital Network
- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index
- SJIFactor
- Cosmos Impact Factor
- Global Impact Factor
Additional Platforms
- Scribd Database
- Issuu Database
- SlideShare
- Infobase Index
- NISCAIR (National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources)
- Docstoc
- PubMed Central
- arXiv.org (for preprints)
Being indexed in these databases enhances the visibility and accessibility of IJCT publications to researchers worldwide.
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Email: editorijctjournal@gmail.com
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