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Unified Security Management Tools Required for Centralize Control and Management of Security Policies Across Multi-cloud Platform

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Unified Security Management Tools for Multi-cloud Platform | IJCT Journal | Low Publication Fees | High Impact Factor Journal | Fast Publication Journal


Multi Cloud use has created serious security problems for businesses which require them to develop complete security plans while maintaining central oversight. Fortifying our security management now needs Unified Security Management tools to give us better control of our safeguards across many cloud platforms. Our study explains why USM tools help organizations keep track of security from one place while finding threats faster and following rules automatically, plus streamlining policy control. USM tools give organizations better security protection because they monitor cloud environments in real-time and offer advanced testing plus automatic threat response features. Teams involved in multi-cloud discussions know these tools help fix help fix cloud splits plus help companies use resources well and boost security defenses.


Multi-cloud, Unified Security Management (USM), security management, security oversight, cloud platforms


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