Evolving Legal Frameworks of Corporate Social Responsibility in Southeast Asia

IJCT – International Journal of Computer Techniques
Authors: Prajwal Bhattarai, Academic Activist | Leadership Coach | PM Strategist | Soft Skills Trainer | Multiple World Record Holder | Edupreneur | Law Enthusiast/Researcher | Youth Mentor | Program Initiator, International Award Winner & Speaker
Paper ID: IJCT-V12I1P5
Over the past decade and a half, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Southeast Asia has transitioned from voluntary corporate initiatives to integral components of legal and regulatory frameworks. This paper examines the progression of CSR within the region from 2010 to 2024, focusing on the interplay between corporate practices and evolving legal mandates. It explores the historical context of CSR, the shift from shareholder primacy to stakeholder inclusivity, and the significant legal developments that have shaped CSR practices in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Through this analysis, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how CSR has been legally codified in Southeast Asia, reflecting a broader commitment to sustainable development and ethical corporate governance.
Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Southeast Asia, Legal Frameworks, Sustainable Development, Ethical Corporate Governance, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
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