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Autonomous Vehicle Control, Part XII: Quadrotor UAV Altitude Control using I-PD, PI-D and 2DOF Controllers compared with a PID Controller

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Autonomous Vehicle Control, Part XII: Quadrotor UAV Altitude Control


This paper is the twelfth in a series of research papers presenting the control of autonomous vehicles. It handles the control of the altitude of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using an I-PD, PI-D and 2DOF (structure 2) controllers from the second generation of PID controllers compared with a PID controller from the first generation of PID controllers. Some efficient tuning techniques for the proposed controllers are applied. The step time response of the control system using the four investigated controllers is presented and compared, and the time-based characteristics are extracted and compared. The comparison reveals the best controller among the four ones presented depending on a graphical and quantitative comparison study for reference input tracking.


Autonomous control, Quadrotor UAV altitude control, I-PD controller, PI-D controller, 2DOF controller, PID controller, Controller tuning, IJCT Journal, International Journal of Research Publication, Low Publication Fees, High Impact Factor Journal, Fast Publication Journal


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