Paper Title : Adaptive Coal Classification Using Centroid Contour Distance Object Recognition Method Using Deep Learing
ISSN : 2394-2231
Year of Publication : 2022
MLA Style: Adaptive Coal Classification Using Centroid Contour Distance Object Recognition Method Using Deep Learing " K.E.Eswari M.C.A.,M.E., K.Dhivyapriya " Volume 9 - Issue 2 International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) ,ISSN:2394-2231 ,
APA Style: Adaptive Coal Classification Using Centroid Contour Distance Object Recognition Method Using Deep Learing " K.E.Eswari M.C.A.,M.E., K.Dhivyapriya " Volume 9 - Issue 2 International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) ,ISSN:2394-2231 ,
The primary effort in learning coal detail is observing coal features. This project developed a coal classification system which allows researchers to do a search by classification even when they don’t know coal name by simply observing their characteristics. The system consists of coalfeatures, finds the features according to input features, and returns selected clusters. Nowadays, coal classification utilizes machine vision to grab and analyze color, shape, size and surface texture. However, the newly proposed extraction margin method only carries out roughly and there is a difference between the margin of the extracted shape, polygon, and the shape margin of the original image still. This project groups i.e., clusters the coal using image area size, pixel color values similarity, based on image’s brightness values and coal shapes. In addition, the study aims in finding the gangue in coal. Based on the pixels count of gangue colors, total gangue percent in the coal is calculated and displayed. This assists in evaluating coal quality. If future, researchers were to expand to other features, coal gangue quantity, etc., even those that are hard to quantify, can also be quantified. ANN is used to classify the coal dataset
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— Coal Classification, Centroid Contour, Deep Learning, Object Recognition.