Paper Title : RFID Child Monitoring System Using IoT
ISSN : 2394-2231
Year of Publication : 2022
MLA Style: RFID Child Monitoring System Using IoT "Pooja R, Dr. Kamalraj R" Volume 9 - Issue 2 International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) ,ISSN:2394-2231 ,
APA Style: RFID Child Monitoring System Using IoT "Pooja R, Dr. Kamalraj R" Volume 9 - Issue 2 International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) ,ISSN:2394-2231 ,
All over the world, the number of crimes against children is increasing day by day. Student tracking is im port ant to enhance security for children. At present time parents are worried about their children due to mishaps and missing of children.A children monitoring system is built using RFID (Radio-frequency identification), IoT components, and sensors. We can use artificial intelligence to recognise if the child's location has changed and communicate the current location, which is saved and connected to GOOGLE MAPS through GPS, also helps in sending photographs of the current situation. It will then be shared to the parents or guardian with cloud sharing and link sharing facilities. The system is integrated with the wireless technology and the cloud technology which includes advantages of both the technologies within the child safety device. An additional feature is auto police complaint and alert message to the neighboring parents, the system designed in a prototype that monitors the health condition of the child with the help of SPO2 and temperature sensor.
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— RFID, cloud, GPS, sensors.