ISSN : 2394-2231
Year of Publication : 2022
MLA Style: ARMA BASED CROP YIELD PREDICTION USING TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL PARAMETERS WITH GROUND WATER LEVEL CLASSIFICATION " R.Navin Kumar M.C.A.,M.Phil., V.Emayavarman " Volume 9 - Issue 2 International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) ,ISSN:2394-2231 ,
APA Style: ARMA BASED CROP YIELD PREDICTION USING TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL PARAMETERS WITH GROUND WATER LEVEL CLASSIFICATION " R.Navin Kumar M.C.A.,M.Phil., V.Emayavarman " Volume 9 - Issue 2 International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT) ,ISSN:2394-2231 ,
Nowadays, wireless telecommunication networks are promising alternative for rainfall measuring instruments that complement previous monitoring devices. Due to big dataset of the rainfall and the telecommunication networks data, empirical computational methods represnt less adequate of actual data. So, deep learning models are proposed for the analysis of big data and give more accurate presentation of real measurements. This project investigated rainfall monitoring results from experimental measurements. The main aim of this study is to provide a methodology for rainfall data classification based on neural network methods based on the historical rainfall data production data. Classification based on the previous years of rainfall can help farmers take necessary steps to measure crop production in the coming season. Understanding and assessing future crop production can help ensure food security and reduce impacts of climate change. In this work, ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average) method is used for proposed work. Past ten years of data set is taken for rainfall and ground water level for our country. The proposed work classifies the ground water level data set records using ARIMA model to predict the model for future test record data sets. The new model will helpf for analyzing ground water levels in past and so as to find the future levels
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— Crop Yield Prediction, ARMA Model, KNN Classification, Neural Network.